



    Income (taxation) / Tax payment Certificate issuance application 税関連証明書交付申請書

    • [公開日:2024年3月13日]
    • [更新日:2024年3月13日]
    • ID:10870

    Income (taxation) / Tax payment Certificate issuance application 税関連証明書交付申請書

    The forms can be used to request various documents, such as:
    •Shotoku (Kazei) Shoumeisho - Income (taxation) certificate  所得(課税)証明書
    •Nouzei Shoumeisho - Certificate of payment of taxes  納税証明書
    •Kokuhoryou (zei) Noufu Shoumeisho - Certificate of payment of fee (tax)  国保料納付証明書

    If you would like to receive a certificate at the city hall, please fill out the application form below and bring it with you

    If you would like to request for postal apply, please use the form below