Card for an Emergency 外国人緊急カード
- [公開日:2025年1月10日]
- [更新日:2025年1月10日]
- ID:12676

Card for an Emergency
In preparation for an emergency or disaster, Nagahama City has been providing “Card for an emergency” for foreign residentes.

How to get
This card is distributed for free at the counter of Shiminka at the Nagahama City Hall.
For details, please contact Shimin Katsuyakuka TEL.0749-65-8711

How to use
1.If you can’t speak Japanese, show the card to a Japanese and ask for help by pointing.
2. In case of emergency, take the phone numbers of important contacts. The card will be also useful in identifying you.

How to fill out
Fill in the card as the sample and keep it with you
1 To know how to choose the evacuation site, check the last page of this manual
2 Write your name in “Katakana” and your birthday after that.
3 In the blank “Emergency contact in Japan”, write your family phone number, your company phone number, etc. In the case of children, write their parents number.
4 In the blank “Emergency contact abroad”, write in this sequence: country code – area code – phone number.
5 Check the main embassy or consulate phone numbers on the last page of this manual.

How to choose the evacuation site
Your evacuation site is the public school nearest your residence. If there are more than two evacuation sites in the neighborhood, talk to your family and decide where to evacuate. If you don’t know the location of the evacuation sites, ask to neighbors or a resident’s association (Jichikai).

Manual download
Card for Emergency Manual
Card for Emergency Manual
電話: 0749-65-8711
ファックス: 0749-65-6571