Preventing heat stroke 熱中症の予防
- [公開日:2024年6月28日]
- [更新日:2024年9月30日]
- ID:13230

Please check information on the heat index and heatstroke warning alerts

Current status and forecast of heat index (WBGT) in Nagahama City (Ministry of the Environment heat stroke prevention site)
Click below to check the heat index of Nagahama City and the status of heat stroke alerts issued in Shiga Prefecture. Open in new window

About the heat index (WBGT)
"Temperature" is important as a condition that causes heat stroke, but in Japan's hot and humid environment, the risk of heat stroke cannot be evaluated based on temperature alone. The heat index (WBGT) issued by the Ministry of the Environment focuses on the exchange of heat (heat balance) between people and the outside air. It is especially used to prevent heatstroke during work and exercise.
Please check the heat index as a guideline for heatstroke prevention.

Heat strokel alert
A heat stroke alert will be issued on days when the risk of heat stroke is expected to be extremely high (heat index of 33 or higher).
Please check information about heat stroke frequently, such as Heat stroke warning information別ウィンドウで開く (open in new window) on TV and Ministry of the Environment.
When a heat stroke alert is issued, it will be announced via disaster prevention radio at 10;00 a.m. on the day it is issued, and also through Nagahama City's email distribution service.
Japanese: 長浜市メール配信サービス別ウィンドウで開く別ウィンドウで開く
Take this opportunity to register for the Nagahama City email distribution service.
Precautions to take when the heatstroke alert is issued (Japanese leaflet)
Preventive actions when a heatstroke alert is issued (opens in a new window)

Regarding Special Heatstroke Alert
From April 24, 2024, in addition to the "heatstroke alert," a higher level of "heatstroke special alert" was put into operation in cases where more serious health damage may occur.

What is a special heatstroke alert?
A special heatstroke alert is issued when the heat index in all areas of Shiga Prefecture reaches 35.
When a special heatstroke alert is issued, it is said that unprecedentedly dangerous heat will cause a large number of people to be taken to hospital with heatstroke, and serious damage to human health may occur, such as disrupting the provision of medical care.
When a special heatstroke alert is issued, please protect your own life and the lives of those around you.
Everyone should try to stay in a cool environment, and those around elderly people and infants who are vulnerable to heatstroke should make sure that they are staying in a cool environment using air conditioning or other measures.
The same heatstroke prevention measures that you have normally taken may not be sufficient, so please be aware of this and make preparations and responses once again.
If a special heatstroke alert is issued, it will be announced via the disaster prevention administrative radio at 4;00 p.m. on the day before it is issued, and also via the Nagahama City email distribution service.
Japanese: 長浜市メール配信サービス別ウィンドウで開く別ウィンドウで開く

Ministry of the Environment leaflet: Special heatstroke alert information (Japanese)

Email notifications regarding heat index and heatstroke alerts
Ministry of the Environment provides an email distribution service (in Japanese) that provides heat index and heatstroke warning alerts, so please use this to prevent heatstroke.
Ministry of the Environment: Heat Index Email Distribution Service
Heat Illness Prevention Information provided by MoE (
Ministry of the Environment: Heatstroke Warning Alert Email Distribution Service
Heat Illness Prevention Information provided by MoE (
Ministry of the Environment: Heatstroke warning alerts and heat index information distribution using the LINE app
Heat Illness Prevention Information provided by MoE (

Prevention of heat stroke
Temperatures are expected to rise and the severe heat will continue.
Elderly people, children, and people with disabilities are particularly susceptible to heatstroke and need to be especially careful.
Learn the proper prevention methods to prevent heatstroke. Also, make sure to eat well, rest well, and keep your body in good condition.
[Prevent heatstroke]

Preventing heatstroke
Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare: Preventing heat stroke

Test-run and clean your air conditioner before the summer season really sets in.
To prevent heatstroke at home, test-run your air conditioner early on, before the summer season really sets in.
Repairs and installation work are extremely busy in the middle of summer.
Requests typically peak between July and August, and you may have to wait until work is carried out. To avoid having to go through the heat without an air conditioner, be sure to carry out a test run as recommended by the manufacturer early on to check for any problems.
Test run your air conditioner to prevent heatstroke! (Japanese)

Precautions when working outdoors
1. Avoid working on days when you are not feeling well.
2. Make sure to find shade and take regular breaks.
3. Whenever possible, work in groups of two or more people, checking each other's physical condition.

Please use "Nagahama Cool Spots"
In recent years, the number of people who have been rushed to hospital due to heat stroke has exceeded tens of thousands nationwide, and the number of deaths has remained high at over 1,000 per year.
In response to this situation, we will be implementing the "Nagahama Cool Spot" initiative, which will utilize public and commercial facilities within the city and encourage residents to use them to temporarily escape the heat and prevent heat stroke. Please feel free to use the facilities.
※When using the facilities, please follow the rules of each facility and the instructions of staff.
[Period] Saturday, June 1, 2024 to Monday, September 30, 2024
Click on the link below to see more details about "Nagahama Cool Spots."(Japanese)

What to do if you get heat stroke
1. If the person is conscious and responding normally
Evacuate to a cool place → Remove clothing and cool the body → Replenish fluids and salt
※If the person cannot drink water on their own or symptoms do not improve, call an ambulance immediately
2. If the person is unconscious or unresponsive
Call an ambulance → Evacuate to a cool place → Remove clothing and cool the body → Transport to a medical facility

Ministry of the Environment: Heatstroke Prevention Site
Heat Illness Prevention Information provided by MoE (
Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare: Information and resource site for preventing heatstroke(Japanese)
Shiga Prefecture: Heatstroke Prevention (Japanese)
電話: 0749-65-8711
ファックス: 0749-65-6571