



    Mandatory effort to wear a helmet when riding a bicycle 自転車乗用時におけるヘルメット着用の努力義務化

    • [公開日:2024年3月11日]
    • [更新日:2024年3月11日]
    • ID:12745


    From April 1, 2023, it will be mandatory to make efforts to wear a helmet when riding a bicycle.

    Due to the enforcement of the revised Road Traffic Law, from April 1, 2023, bicycle riders will be required to make efforts to wear helmets.


    Wear a helmet when riding a bicycle to protect your precious life!


    Key Points of the Revised Road Traffic Act

    All cyclists must try to wear a helmet. (Article 63-11, Paragraph 1 of the Road Traffic Law)

    If you ride a bicycle together, you must try to have the passenger wear a helmet as well. (Article 63-11, Paragraph 2 of the Road Traffic Act)

    When a child or toddler rides a bicycle, parents must try to make the child or toddler wear a helmet. (Article 63-11, Paragraph 3 of the Road Traffic Act)


    About the Five Rules for Safe Use of Bicycles

    In order to ride a bicycle safely, there are five rules that we would like you to follow, the "Five Rules for Safe Use of Bicycles".


    Observe the following five rules to avoid traffic accidents.

    1. In principle, drive on the left side of the road, pedestrians are given priority, with exceptions for sidewalks

    2. At intersections, obey traffic signals and stop to confirm safety

    3. Turn on lights at night

    4. Drunk driving is prohibited

    5. Wear a helmet




    電話: 0749-65-8711

    ファックス: 0749-65-6571

