Be careful of scams that take advantage of Myna Points マイナポイントに乗じた詐欺にご注意
- [公開日:2024年3月11日]
- [更新日:2024年3月11日]
- ID:13582

Be careful of scams that take advantage of Maina Points
The “Myna Points Project” conducted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications ended on September 30, 2023.
If you have any doubts or are experiencing any trouble, please contact the " Consultation desk" listed below.
In addition, if you receive an email related to Myna Points that you do not recognize, you should suspect that it is a scam and do not access or reply to the URL provided in the email.
※Click here for the details of the scam. (Links to an external site)
・Phishing Countermeasures Council Homepage別ウィンドウで開く
・Consumer Affairs Agency Homepage別ウィンドウで開く
・Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Myna Point Secretariat Homepage別ウィンドウで開く
・National Consumer Affairs Center Homepage別ウィンドウで開く

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, municipal employees, and other related parties will never do the following!
- Asking for personal information such as My Number, account number during the entry period, account PIN, asset information, family structure, etc.
- Keeping and checking bankbooks and cash cards
- Requesting money or requesting a transfer of fees.

Consultation desk
If you have any doubts or are having trouble, please contact the following.
・Police consultation phone line: #9110 (or nearest police station)
・Nagahama City Consumer Affairs Consultation Office: 0749-65-6567
・My Number comprehensive toll-free number: 0120-95-0178
電話: 0749-65-8711
ファックス: 0749-65-6571